
24Oct 2017

Iberges Consulting has finished Tangerine market research for Ministry of Agriculture of Autonomous Republic of Ajara. The main project objective was detailed research of tangerine producing and export related dynamics and conclusions with relevant recommendations. The project was financed within the subprogram “Researches and Strategies for Agriculture Sector Development” of the Ministry of Agriculture of Autonomous […]

28Sep 2014

Iberges Consulting LLC is contractor for Business Plans Development to Agricultural Projects Management Agency for the Project of Funding Processing Plants. The grant project aims to establish new processing plants in areas with low economic activity, geographical diversification of enterprises, rural – agricultural cooperatives to improve the preconditions for the creation, development and raw material […]

28Sep 2014

Iberges Consulting becomes an accredited business services provider for EBRD – SBS project (Small Business Support). Company will collaborate with EBRD writing business plans, assisting in financial modelling and strategic development for potential beneficiaries.

28Sep 2014

Iberges Consulting becomes an accredited business services provider for USAID – REAP project (Restoring Efficiency to Agriculture Production). Company will collaborate with USAID writing business plans and assisting in financial modelling for potential beneficiaries.

28Sep 2014

Iberges Consulting LLC is a partner of the Georgian Farmers Association ( and will assist to interested farmers, on developing agricultural projects and obtaining funding.

28Sep 2014

Iberges Consulting LLC and  “Globaltec Ingeniería” ( has signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Globaltec Ingeniería is a global, full-service project management company that offers its clients cutting-edge solutions perfectly tailored to their economic, financial and technological requirements